During murine schistosomiasis, there is a gradual switch from a predominant Th1 cytokine response to a Th2-dominated response after egg laying, an event that favors the formation of granuloma around viable eggs. Egg-derived glycoconjugates, including glycolipids, may play a crucial role in this phenomenon. In this study, we used a model of dendritic cell sensitization to study the role of egg glycoconjugates in the induction of specific immune response to soluble egg Ag (SEA) and to investigate the possibility that CD1d, a molecule implicated in glycolipid presentation, may be involved in such a phenomenon. We show that, when captured, processed, and presented to naive T lymphocytes by dendritic cells, egg, but not larval, Ag skew the immune response toward a Th2 response. Periodate treatment reversed this effect, indicating that the sugar moiety of SEA is important in this phenomenon. Using DC treated ex vivo with a neutralizing anti-CD1d Ab or isolated from CD1d knockout mice, we show that CD1d is crucial in the priming of SEA-specific Th2 lymphocytes. We then evaluated the contribution of CD1d on the development of the SEA-specific immune response and on the formation of the egg-induced liver granuloma during murine schistosomiasis. We find that CD1d knockout mice have a reduced Th2 response after egg laying and develop a less marked fibrotic pathology compared with wild-type mice. Altogether, our results suggest that Ag presentation of parasite glycoconjugates to CD1d-restricted T cells may be important in the early events leading to the induction of Th2 responses and to egg-induced pathology during murine schistosomiasis.