Multislice computed tomography (MS-CT) was introduced into clinical radiology in 1999 and has shown a significant effect on various indications for computed tomography (CT) imaging in neuroradiology. Technical highlights of this new scanner type are the simultaneous data acquisition by up to four detector rows at present, an accelerated rotation time, and a reduction of the slice thickness to as low as 0.5 mm. These features account for an extended scan area, such as head and neck imaging in polytraumatized patients, detailed contrast-enhanced studies of the cervicocerebral vascular system from the carotid bifurcation to the vertex, as well as cerebral perfusion studies of a larger brain volume with an improved time resolution compared to established CT procedures. In addition, the diagnostic yield of the CT is increased with respect to several applications by reducing common image artefacts at the level of the cervicothoracic junction as well as those caused by metallic implants. Apart from improving the image quality of the primary cross-sectional slices, MS-CT significantly enhances two- and three-dimensional image reconstructions. Radiation protection is an important issue with MS-CT, especially when skull base imaging is considered.