Objective: A surgical procedure was developed to improve the operative results for bilateral mandibular prominence with microgenia.
Methods: Through an oral approach the bilateral prominent mandibular angles were resected using the technique of continuous curve-line ostectomy with the masseteric muscle intact. Meanwhile, the chin was elongated and moved forward by horizontal osteotomy. The distal part of the chin was rigid fixed with miniplates and screws, and the bone gaps were filled with autogenous bone of the resected mandibular angle.
Results: From November 1996 to August 1999, 20 cases of bilateral mandibular angle prominence with microgenia were corrected with this procedure. The postoperative appearance was improved greatly after 3-6 months. The lower face was not only narrowed but elongated, and consequently in harmony with the upper and middle face.
Conclusion: Bilateral continuous curve-line mandibular angle ostectomy together with chin osteotomy and autogenous bone graft is a good procedure for the management of the above-mentioned deformities.