The aim of this study was to evaluate the neuroprotective effect of CHF3381, a novel putative NMDA antagonist characterized by a good therapeutic index. We have compared the effects of CHF3381 on kainate seizure-induced neurodegeneration with those produced by the non competitive NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 and by the Na channel blocker lamotrigine. All compounds have been employed at doses incapable of preventing or attenuating seizures. The fluorescent marker Fluoro-Jade B has been used to identify degenerating cells. Animals pretreated with lamotrigine presented the same degree of cell damage as the controls. As for the controls, a clear correlation was also observed between seizure severity and neurodegeneration. In contrast, MK-801 and CHF3381 completely prevented cell damage. These data indicate that CHF3381 may be successfully utilized in neurological disorders characterized by or associated with neurodegenerative excitotoxicity.