Applying the MIRA (German acronym for losing weight intelligently) concept, weight-losing programs were tested for guideline conformity and suitability in practice. The core of the concept comprises instruments for the analysis and evaluation of quality criteria for weight-reduction programs. A total of 116 men and women participated in the BCM program of PreCon GmbH & Co. KG, and the "Ich nehme ab" (l'm slimming) program (designed as a self-help aid) of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (German Society for Nutrition), and received counseling over a period of one year. Initial results of follow-up at 40 weeks showed a weight reduction of at least 5% in 66% of all participants, and at least 10% in 24%. The weight loss correlated with the number of counselings. On the basis of the 89 questionnaires evaluated to date, quality of life as measured by the IWQOL-Lite score showed an improvement in 80% of the subjects. These preliminary results indicate that the MIRA concept would appear to be a suitable quality control tool for obesity treatment programs.