This study is designed to demonstrate the distribution of nociceptin, endogenous ORL1 receptor ligand, in the central nervous system of the Mongolian gerbil. To intensify the nociceptin-like immunoreactivity (NOC-LI), colchicine was administered into the lateral ventricle, at 48 h prior to the transcardiac perfusion. In the group without colchicine treatment, NOC-LI was observed in the fibres of the spinal dorsal horn, specifically in the superficial layers. However, the NOC-LI in the superficial layers disappeared after the administration of colchicine. In the brain, NOC-LI was prominent in the hypothalamus, hippocampus, cerebral peduncle, substantia nigra, dorsal raphe, periaqueductal grey, locus coeruleus and trapezoid nucleus. Colchicine treatment markedly intensified the NOC-LI in the somata of the central nervous system, whereas the untreated sections were too weak to observe and analyse. The distribution of NOC-LI provides informative data for studies of the neuronal circuit that nociceptin may be involved in.