Although traditional social model recovery programs appear to be decreasing, some aspects of social model recovery continue to exert a strong influence in broad-based, integrated programs. This article describes a four-week program that integrates licensed therapists, certified counselors, psychiatric consultation, and social model recovery principles into a broad-based treatment approach. The Social Model Philosophy Scale revealed a low overall rating on social model philosophy. However, social model principles that were heavily stressed included practicing 12-step recovery, the importance of getting a 12-step sponsor, staff-client interactions outside a formal office, employing staff who are in recovery, and emphasizing a goal of abstinence. Three- and six-month follow-up revealed significant improvement in alcohol and drug use, heavy alcohol use, satisfaction with family relationships, 12-step involvement, illegal behaviors, arrests, unsafe sex, self-esteem, use of medical resources, and health status. Findings provide a rationale for larger, multi-site studies that assess the effectiveness of social model characteristics using multivariate techniques.