Background: To determine the relaxant effect of omeprazole and lansaprazole, hydrogen-potassium (H+-K+) ATPase inhibitors, on rabbit prostatic tissue in vitro.
Methods: Male New Zealand white rabbits were sacrificed and their prostatic tissues were removed. The prostatic stromal strips were mounted in organ baths and relaxation responses were obtained in precontracted tissues with phenylephrine, carbachol and potassium chloride (KCl). Relaxation responses were controlled in the presence of various antagonists to explain the mechanism for relaxation exerted by omeprazole and lansaprazole.
Results: Omeprazole and lansaprazole caused similar relaxation responses in the prostatic strips precontracted with phenylephrine, carbachol and KCl. The addition of prostaglandin synthase inhibitor indomethacin, nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME, potassium channel blockers, glibenclamide and tetraethylammonium into the organ baths did not change the relaxations induced by omeprazole and lansaprazole in vitro.
Conclusion: Omeprazole and lansaprazole cause a relaxation in prostatic stromal tissue precontracted with phenyephrine, carbachol and KC1 in vitro. This relaxant effect is independent of H+-K+ ATPase inhibition. Additionally, cyclooxygenase and nitric oxide pathways do not contribute to this relaxant effect. Further studies are required to determine whether these drugs may have a beneficial effect in the non-operative treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.