Given the importance of the NOD mouse as a model of type 1 diabetes, there is a surprising lack of published information on the overall composition of the thymic and peripheral T-cell compartments. In this study, we revisited some earlier reports of T-cell abnormalities in this strain and examined a number of additional parameters to provide a global view of T-cells in prediabetic NOD mice. In some cases, we concur with past conclusions, but in other important areas, we find that NOD mice closely resemble nonautoimmune strains. Specifically, and contrary to published reports, the thymocyte subset distribution, the rate and composition of thymic export, and the composition of the peripheral T-cell pool, including the proportion of CD25(+)CD4(+) T-cells, are essentially normal in prediabetic NOD mice. These factors are therefore unlikely to be involved in the loss of tolerance that leads to autoimmunity within this strain.