3-Bromopropenyl esters in organic synthesis: indium- and zinc-mediated entries to alk-1-ene-3,4-diols

J Org Chem. 2003 Feb 7;68(3):997-1006. doi: 10.1021/jo0262457.


Metallic indium and zinc readily add to 3-bromopropenyl acetate (5) and benzoate (6) either in THF or in water, affording the corresponding 3-acyloxyallyl organometallic compounds. Nucleophilic addition to aldehydes opens a route to alk-1-ene-3,4-diols 2 in good to excellent yields. Two synthetic protocols were developed, the former involving indium in THF under Grignard conditions and the latter involving zinc in aqueous ammonium chloride under Barbier conditions. The diastereoselectivity, under all the conditions examined, mainly depends on the nature of the carbonyl compound; conjugated aldehydes afford syn adducts 2, while unconjugated aldehydes display the opposite anti stereopreference.