Purpose: This study examined the effect of amygdala kindling development in Proechimys guayannensis rat, a common rodent of the Amazon basin.
Methods: Adult male P. guayannensis animals (n = 43) and adult male Wistar rats (n = 14) were submitted to electrical amygdala kindling.
Results: From 43 Proechimys rats submitted to the kindling process, only three animals reached stage 5 of kindling. During the kindling development (stages 4-5), these animals had behavioral alterations different from those observed in Wistar rats. A longer time spent in stages 1-3 and 5 and longer afterdischarge duration in stages 1-4 was observed in the Proechimys group compared with the Wistar group. The number of wet-dog shakes also was reduced in the Proechimys group during the kindling process.
Conclusions: These findings suggest natural endogenous inhibitory mechanisms in this animal species.