Fifty patients underwent surgery due to reconstruction of the left ventricular volume and geometry together with heart revascularisation since 1999.02 till 2002.05 of Clinic of Heart Surgery, Vilnius University and Vilnius Heart Surgery Center. Forty eight patients were evaluated in late postoperative period at 3-44 months after the surgery. The functional status of patients improved and the mean NYHA functional class went down from 3.75 till 2.31 (p<0.01). The mean left ventricular ejection fraction significantly raises after operation from 31.8 to 37.8%. Twelve patients in late postoperative period had symptoms of congestive heart failure. These patients had a large asynergy and most intraventricular conductivity disturbances preoperatively. The left ventricular ejection fraction after operation for these patients had no changes and compared with good filling patients they still had larger asynergy.
Conclusions: 1. The functional status of most patients improved after the operation. 2. The left ventricular ejection fraction became better after operation. 3. The stability of good results after 3 years was 65%. 4. Long- term survival after 3 years was 89%.