It was shown in a long-term studies that internal thoracic arteries have higher patency, rate compared with saphenous veins grafts. The study was designed to evaluate the late results (1-4 years) of arterial (internal thoracic arteries and radial artery) and venous grafts in a patients referred to coronary revascularization. From April 1997 to June 2002, 405 patients were operated upon using radial artery and internal thoracic arteries and saphenous veins grafts in Vilnius University Heart surgery clinic and Heart Surgery center. One hundred twenty two patients were controlled at 3-36 months. 93% of patients were in CCS f. cl. 0 or 1. Twenty seven symptomatic patients were investigated angiografically at 17,6+/-10 months, and was found patent internal thoracic arteries - 93%, radial artery - 79% and saphenous veins grafts - 62%.
Conclusion: Arterial grafts tends to be superior than veins grafts in the midterm period.