The transformation mediated by Agrobacterium has been successfully applied to rice in recent years. In the previous research we have transferred the Xa21 gene into five rice varieties of China, using Agrobacterium-mediated trasformation. In this study, T-DNA flanking sequences of Xa21 transgenic rice lines were obtained by using thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR). The flanking sequences which are actual rice DNA were identified and located on molecular linkage map developed from a ZYQ8/JX17 double haploid (DH) population. A total of 22 T-DNA flanking rice sequences were isolated. Nineteen of them displayed RFLPs between the two parents, ZYQ8 and JX17, and were mapped on the rice chromosomes, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12, respectively. The genetic mapping of T-DNA integration sites in Xa21 transgenic rice will benefit the study of position effect and stable inheritance of the transgene Xa21.