Background: With the possibility of CT systems becoming more handy and sophisticated, intraoperative CT was introduced in a few neurosurgical Centres with better results in lesion removal and surgical outcome.
Method: At our Institution a mobile CT scanner was recently used for intraoperative evaluation (Philips Tomoscan M). For 27 tumour resections performed with a neuronavigation system, and 23 deep brain electrode positioning examinations, an intraoperative CT was employed. In addition the CT scanner was used in the recovery room for a postoperative control in 198 patients.
Findings: Our preliminary experience used for a real time evaluation of the treated patients, permitted to verify an incomplete removal in 23/27 cases. Evaluation of stereotactic electrode position in relation to the planned target was also possible and demonstrated a correct position in 21 cases.
Interpretation: Intraoperative CT scan is a useful system that permits to modify neuronavigation planning and is able to give information to the surgeon for better tumour removal, rule out possible hemorrhagic complications, and suitable deep brain electrode positioning.