Telehealthcare is a rapidly growing field of clinical activity and technical development. These new technologies have caught the attention of clinicians and policy makers because they seem to offer more rapid access to specialist care, and the potential to solve structural problems around inequalities of service provision and distribution. However, as a field of clinical practice, telehealthcare has consistently been criticised because of the poor quality of the clinical and technical evidence that its proponents have marshalled. The problem of "evidence" is not a local one. In this paper, we undertake two tasks: first, we critically contrast the normative expectations of the wider field of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) with those configured within debates about Telehealthcare Evaluation; and second, we critically review models that provide structures within which the production of evidence about telehealthcare can take place. Our analysis focuses on the political projects configured within a literature aimed at stabilising evaluative knowledge production about telehealthcare in the face of substantial political and methodological problems.