Toward closure of upwelling radiance in coastal waters

Appl Opt. 2003 Mar 20;42(9):1574-82. doi: 10.1364/ao.42.001574.


We present three methods for deriving water-leaving radiance L(w)(lambda) and remote-sensing reflectance using a hyperspectral tethered spectral radiometer buoy (HyperTSRB), profiled spectroradiometers, and Hydrolight simulations. Average agreement for 53 comparisons between HyperTSRB and spectroradiometric determinations of L(w)(lambda) was 26%, 13%, and 17% at blue, green, and red wavelengths, respectively. Comparisons of HyperTSRB (and spectroradiometric) L(w)(lambda) with Hydrolight simulations yielded percent differences of 17% (18%), 17% (18%), and 13% (20%) for blue, green, and red wavelengths, respectively. The differences can be accounted for by uncertainties in model assumptions and model input data (chlorophyll fluorescence quantum efficiency and the spectral chlorophyll-specific absorption coefficient for the red wavelengths, and scattering corrections for input ac-9 absorption data and volume scattering function measurements for blue wavelengths) as well as radiance measurement inaccuracies [largely differences in the depth of the L(u)(lambda, z) sensor on the HyperTSRB].