Vinorelbine and docetaxel are two effective drugs in esophageal cancer; our purpose was to evaluate efficacy and toxicity of a combination of these drugs in recurrent squamous cell esophageal cancer. Twenty patients previously treated with concomitant chemoradiotherapy (n = 14), surgery alone (n = 2), surgery plus radiotherapy (n = 2), or concomitant chemoradiotherapy + surgey (n = 2) were enrolled. Thirteen patients had a local-regional recurrence, two patients had metastases, and five patients had both. The doses were 80 mg/m(2) for docetaxel and 20 mg/m(2) for vinorelbine on d 1 every 21 d for a maximum of six cycles. Twenty patients received a total of 106 cycles (median per patient, 5). Neutropenia was the most frequent and severe side effect (grade 4 in 80%; grade 3 in 20%). The overall response rate was 60%, which included 3 of 20 complete responses (15%) and 9 of 20 partial responses (45%). Median response duration was 7 mo (2-50+). Overall median survival was 10.5 mo (range, 2-55+). A dysphagia improvement was observed in 81% of patients. In conclusion, the data from this phase II study indicate that this combination is effective in recurrent heavily pretreated patients with a short-lasting manageable toxicity.