There exists the race differential phenomenon in Exserohilum turcicum (namely NCBL). At present, there are 5 identified races of NCBL and some un-known races in China. For improvement of maize resistance to NCBL, a basic method is to improve maize quantitative resistance. To identify the numbers and effects of the quantitative resistant loci to NCBL in maize, we constructed F2:3 population from resistant line P138 as male parent cross with sensitive line Z3 as female parent. Using RFLP marker technique, the RFLP linkage map of maize was cons cracted covering 1999. 8 cM, and the average distance between markers was 16.5 cM. Identified QTL of NCBL lesion length, width, and area were 3, 3, 2, respectively. The combined contribution ratios of these QTL were 58.1%, 71.5%, 27.5%, respectively. No QTL was identified NCBL lesion number per leaf, it was a trait that might be controlled by one- or oligo-genes. Finally, authors discussed and prospected the maize NCBL research in future.