Objective: To investigate factors associated with self-reported weight status of economically active adults from the 4 major ethnic groups in South Africa.
Design: Cross-sectional survey.
Setting: South Africa.
Participants: A random sample (N=2100) was selected from a database of economically active adults from the 4 major ethnic groups in South Africa (Black, White, Asian, and mixed ancestry). Of the 2100 selected, 554 subjects returned mailed questionnaires.
Main outcome measures: Weight status (BMI), dieting history, meal patterns, intake of high fat food items and alcohol, level of physical activity, smoking habits, family history of obesity, and socioeconomic characteristics.
Results: Identified risk factors for overweight/obesity included: Black ethnicity, education level < or = Grade 7, inactivity, and at least one overweight parent. Protective factors included: describing one's own weight as under- or normal weight, hardly ever or never binging, not having tried to lose weight during the past year, and describing one's own health as excellent. Factors that were not related to overweight/obesity in this group included: employment status, income, smoking, meal patterns, intake of high fat food items and alcohol, and "sick" days taken off from work during the prior 6 months.