The powdery mildew resistance gene Pm22, identified in the Italian wheat cultivar Virest and originally assigned to wheat chromosome 1D, was mapped to chromosome 7A with the aid of molecular markers. Mapping of common AFLP and SSR markers in two wheat crosses segregating for Pm22 and Pm1c, respectively, indicated that Pm22 is a member of the complex Pm1 locus. Pm22 also showed a pattern of resistance reaction to a differential set of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolates that was distinguishable from those from other Pm1 alleles in lines Axminster/8*Cc ( Pm1a), MocZlatka ( Pm1b), Weihenstephan Stamm M1N ( Pm1c) and Triticum spelta var. duhamelianum TRI 2258 ( Pm1d). Based on these results, the gene symbol Pm1e is proposed for the powdery mildew resistance gene in cv. Virest.