A new, simple procedure is proposed which enables acquisition of two or more chemical shifts encoded in a common dimension simultaneously in quadrature. For n chemical shifts projected in a single dimension, the expected effect is obtained by interleaved acquisition and appropriate combination of 2(n) data sets per increment of respective evolution time. The particular chemical shifts can be calculated from sums and differences of signal frequencies obtained by different combination of the acquired data sets. In comparison to the established reduced dimensionality (RD) techniques, the proposed method enhances resolution due to reduction of the number of signals and requires less evolution time increments owing to narrower spectral width in the RD-domain. We show examples of the application of the new approach to the 2D HNCA and HN(CO)CA techniques with two, and 2D HACANH with three frequencies simultaneously encoded in the t(1) evolution period, for (13)C,(15)N-labeled ubiquitin.