A 58-year-old woman was admitted because of bilateral diffuse nodular shadows on chest radiograph. Video-assisted thoracoscopic lung biopsy specimens showed marked lymphocytic infiltration into the bronchiolar wall. HTLV-1 antibody was examined because the patient's parents were born in Okinawa Prefecture. The patient turned out to be an adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATLL) carrier with positive HTLV-1 antibody. Therefore, HTLV-1 associated bronchiolitis was diagnosed. Although no dry symptoms appeared, it became clear by the saxon test that she was also complicated with Sjögren syndrome. Generally, it is reported that there is coherence with HTLV-1 infection and Sjögren syndrome. So the HTLV-1 infection might have accounted for the pathogenesis of these three disorders (HTLV-1 infection, bronchiolitis, Sjögren syndrome).