A total of 1019 non-replicate, consecutively isolated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains were collected from in-patients of a tertiary care general hospital in Athens, Greece, during the period 1994-2001. The susceptibility, resistance phenotypes and the dissemination of these isolates among hospital wards were studied. Total MRSA and gentamicin-resistant MRSA, as a proportion of the S. aureus isolates, increased from 33 and 9% in 1994 to 50.1 and 33.3% in 2001, respectively. Three main multi-resistant phenotypes predominated, representing 50.9% of the total MRSA isolates in 2001. MRSA strains susceptible to all antibiotics tested decreased to 1.9% in 1997 and again increased to 13.5% in 2001. A gradual decrease in the susceptibility of vancomycin during the 8-year-period was detected, but no vancomycin resistant S. aureus strains were isolated.