A correlation has been reported in the dental literature between temporomandibular disorders and musculoskeletal abnormalities, however, the question whether they modify body postural sway remains controversial. In the present investigation, the Craniomandibular Index was used to evaluate the clinical extension of temporomandibular joint dysfunction and related problems in 40 patients with normal vestibular function and in 42 patients with peripheral vestibular disorders. Balance function was assessed by static posturography and body sway area was measured in two conditions: i) eye open, and g) eye closed. Data were compared to those of 40 healthy subjects. Postural control showed a significantly different behaviour between groups with an increase in average body sway in patients with craniomandibular disorders as opposed to controls (p < 0.005). Although the involvement of the stomatognathic apparatus was not quantitatively different in the two groups of patients, those also presenting a peripheral vestibular disorder exhibited greater average body sway than patients with only craniomandibular disorders (p < 0.005). The latter showed a greater average body sway than controls only in the trial with eyes closed (p < 0.05). The results demonstrated that craniomandibular alterations could produce moderate postural instability in patients with a normal vestibular function. Conversely, their association with peripheral vestibular disorders becomes a real challenge to the upright quiet stance probably due to a negative effect of somatosensory origin on the vestibulo-spinal reflex impairment.