Unfractionated heparin is a widely utilized anticoagulant during peripheral angioplasty procedures (PTA). In contrast to heparin, bivalirudin is a direct thrombin inhibitor with predictable anticoagulation, does not activate platelets, and inhibits both soluble and bound thrombin. The experience with bivalirudin during PTA remains limited. In this single-center prospective study, 48 consecutive patients (60.4% males, mean age 70.0 12.1) received bivalirudin as the primary anticoagulant during PTA (0.75 mg/kg bolus, 1.75 mg/kg/h during the procedure). Thirty-four (70.8%) had claudication and 6 (12.5%) had ulceration. Thrombus was angiographically seen in 3 (6.3%) patients. In-hospital serious procedural complications were limited to 2 (4.2%) (exact 95% confidence interval: (0.5%,14.3%]) patients with major bleeding; none (0.0%) of the other following endpoints occurred: death, limb loss, emergent need for revascularization of the same vessel, embolic strokes, and vascular complications (exact 95% confidence intervals: [0.0%,6.1%]). This compared favorably to previously reported data using unfractionated heparin and the same serious procedural complications endpoints from our group at the same institution (9.2%). We conclude that the use of bivalirudin during PTA appears feasible and safe. Large prospective registries are needed to confirm these findings.