Background: Oxygen-free radicals generation is considered to be a major cause of gastric injury during reperfusion. Chemiluminescence has been used to assess real-time free radical release on the surface of isolated organs.
Aims: To evaluate the combined use of chemiluminescence and gastroendoscopy techniques and to assess the real-time production of free radicals during ischemic damage of the gastric wall in an animal model.
Patients and methods: For the experiment, an optical junction was set up between a fibroendoscope and a luminograph apparatus. Three pigs were submitted to gastrofibroendoscopy before, during and after 30 min of clamping of the coeliac artery. Under basal conditions, at the end of the ischemic phase and at the beginning of reperfusion, 1 mM of lucigenin, a specific superoxide enhancer, was injected in the left gastric artery of the animal. The endoscopic live images and chemiluminescence emission were recorded and successively superimposed to measure rate and spatial distribution of photon emission (photons/s).
Results: Free radical production was not observed under basal conditions or during the ischemic phase, but significantly increased during reperfusion reaching a maximum peak after 15 min (0.6+/-0.2 photons x 10(5)/s) and decreased progressively thereafter. The superimposition of live and chemiluminescence images allowed the determination of the regional production rate and distribution of photons.
Conclusions: Preliminary observations, in an animal model, on an innovative imaging system which allows the visualization of rate and spatial distribution of reactive oxygen species formation are presented. This new endoscopic technique could be useful for the assessment of oxidative gastric mucosal injury in several gastric diseases; however, further studies remain necessary to determine the applicability of this technique in humans.