[Hospitalisations for vertebral fractures in Apulia during 1998-2000]

Ig Sanita Pubbl. 2002 Jul-Aug;58(4):241-52.
[Article in Italian]


Vertebral fractures are a relevant problem in public health. This is mainly due to the high prevalence of elderly people and the high social costs implied as regards disability and health care. The authors have carried out a survey about hospitalisation rates for vertebral fractures in Apulia in the years 1998-2000. The gross hospitalisation rate for vertebral fractures without spinal injuries concerned 47.3 people out of 100.000 per year, whereas the rate for fractures with spinal cord injuries concerned 4,0 people out of 100.000 per year. Fractures concerned more frequently the dorso-lumbar tract and males were more affected than women. During the period concerned, the total DRG cost for vertebral fractures was higher than 15 million Euros and the extra-regional mobility rate for vertebral fractures without spinal injuries was 11,2% of all case-studies. The results will allow better health programmes aimed at enhancing treatment of back bone injuries.

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  • English Abstract