Isotope technique is the most accurate method to assess the bioavailability of trace elements. Due to the hazard of radioisotopes, it can't be used to such populations as infants and pregnant women. With the development of stable isotope technique, more and more researches were conducted with stable isotopes. The newly developed dual stable isotope technique was preferred because of its accuracy. While the papers published using such technique till now usually contained the estimation of the blood volume and hemoglobin incorporation. Because of such estimation, errors would be introduced into the results. To obtain the accurate result from the data available, this paper described a rigorous method to calculate the trace element bioavailability. The dual stable isotopic technique was discussed in detail in this paper. From the assumption of the method to their performance, the author described the procedure of calculation of the mineral absorption from the MS data and why. This method was described by using iron as an example, and can be used in similar studies.