This study presents analyses of 7 common psychopathological syndromes in the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborative Study of Psychological Problems in General Health Care (T. B. Ustun & N. Sartorius, 1995). Data on depression, somatization, hypochondriasis, neurasthenia, anxious worry, anxious arousal, and hazardous use of alcohol were analyzed for 14 countries (Ns for each country ranged from 196 to 800). Four models were evaluated: a 1-factor model; a 2-factor model in which all syndromes except hazardous use of alcohol represented internalizing problems; and two 3-factor models. The 2-factor model fit best. These results extend previous research on the 2-factor model to the current complaints of attendees of general health care clinics, to a new set of syndromes, and to a variety of both Western and non-Western countries.