A 61-year-old civil engineer began to have slowly progressive muscle atrophy in the right shoulder and the left arm at 56 years of age. Muscle wasting became manifest in the left thigh at 59 years and in the right thigh at 60 years. He had mild difficulty in climbing and descending stairs. On examination, although he had notable muscle atrophy in the right trapezius and proximal muscles in the upper and lower extremities, his muscle strength was relatively well preserved. The muscle atrophy was asymmetrical; the right periscapular region and the left upper and lower extremities were more markedly atrophic. In addition, multiple foci of the striking muscle atrophy were noted in the upper trunk and the proximal limb muscles. Fasciculation was not present. Deep tendon reflexes were normal with no pathologic reflexes. Except for a moderately elevated serum creatine kinase level of 709 Ul/l (normal 40-170) and mildly elevated serum myoglobin level of 100 ng/ml (normal < 60), no laboratory tests showed abnormal values suggesting an inflammatory process. Motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities were within normal limits. Electromyography disclosed myopathic and neuropathic changes. Computed tomography (CT) of skeletal muscles showed asymmetrical muscle atrophy and patchy low-density foci. In biopsied left quadriceps and right gastrocnemius muscles which showed partially low density on CT, there was marked variation in muscle fiber size, with necrotic and regenerating fibers, an increased number of centrally placed nuclei, and interstitial fibrosis. There were numerous foci of mononuclear inflammatory cellular infiltration, especially around the blood vessels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)