Thirty-five adult recurrent GBM patients, divided randomly in two groups of 19 and 16 cases, had been treated with two regimens of chemotherapy: a) 'eight-drugs-in-one-day'; b) procarbazine + CCNU + vincristine (PCV) respectively. Chemotherapy was planned at the tumour relapse and delivered as long as tolerated without irreversible sequelae or until the CT scan showed tumor progression. Multiple agents are used simultaneously in the therapeutic approach using 'eight-in-one' to kill as many heterogeneous cells of malignant glial tumor as possible and minimize the emergence of cellular resistance to chemotherapy. Rate response to chemotherapy and the median adjunctive survival time (6.5 and 6 months, respectively) are not significantly different in the two arms of this study. Our experience with such an aggressive multi-drugs combination 'eight-in-one-day' was disappointing if compared with less toxic, better tolerated and easy delivered (PCV) regimen.