Several studies indicate that active oxygen species play an important role in the development of pulmonary disease (asbestosis and silicosis) after exposure to mineral dust. The present study was conducted to determine if inhaled fibrogenic minerals induced changes in gene expression and activities of antioxidant enzymes (AOE) in rat lung. Two different fibrogenic minerals were compared, crocidolite, an amphibole asbestos fiber, and cristobalite, a crystalline silicon dioxide particle. Steady-state mRNA levels, immunoreactive protein, and activities of selected AOE were measured in lungs 1-10 days after initiation of exposure and at 14 days after cessation of a 10-day exposure period. Exposure to asbestos resulted in significant increases in steady-state mRNA levels of manganese-containing superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) at 3 and 9 days and of glutathione peroxidase at 6 and 9 days. An increase in steady-state mRNA levels of copper, zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD), was observed at 6 days. Exposure to asbestos also resulted in overall increased enzyme activities of catalase, glutathione peroxidase and total superoxide dismutase in lung. In contrast, silica caused a dramatic increase in steady-state levels of MnSOD mRNA at all time periods and an increase in glutathione peroxidase mRNA levels at 9 days. Activities of AOE remained unchanged in silica-exposed lungs. In both models, increases in gene expression of MnSOD correlated with increased amounts of MnSOD immunoreactive protein in lung and the pattern and extent of inflammation. These data indicate that the profiles of AOE are dissimilar during the development of experimental asbestosis or silicosis and suggest different mechanisms of lung defense in response to these minerals.