During 7 serial passages of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV1) in rabbit cornea treated with idoxuridine (IUdR) (P1 to P7), the emergence of resistance had been obtained from P3. The reversion towards IUdR sensitivity has been investigated from either viral population P3 or P6 by 6 serial passages in rabbit cornea treated by Vaseline (V1 to V6). From viral population P3, the reversion to IUdR sensitivity has been obtained at V4. In contrast, from viral population P6, the IUdR resistance was conserved from V1 to V6. In vitro, on Vero cells, the effective doses 50% (ED50) and 90% (ED90), determined by dye uptake assay and plaque reduction assay, confirmed the reversibility towards IUdR sensitivity obtained from P3 and the stability of IUdR resistance from P6.