Bradykinin-induced K+ currents, membrane hyperpolarization, as well as rises in cytoplasmic Ca2+ and cGMP levels were studied in endothelial cells cultured from pig aorta. Exposure of endothelial cells to 1 microM bradykinin induced a whole-cell K+ current and activated a small-conductance (approximately 9 pS) K+ channel in on-cell patches. This K+ channel lacked voltage sensitivity, was activated by increasing the Ca2+ concentration at the cytoplasmic face of inside-out patches and blocked by extracellular tetrabutylammonium (TBA). Bradykinin concomitantly increased membrane potential and cytoplasmic Ca2+ of endothelial cells. In high (140 mM) extracellular K+ solution, as well as in the presence of the K(+)-channel blocker TBA (10 mM), bradykinin-induced membrane hyperpolarization was abolished and increases in cytoplasmic Ca2+ were reduced to a slight transient response. Bradykinin-induced rises in intracellular cGMP levels which reflect Ca(2+)-dependent formation of EDRF(NO) were clearly attenuated in the presence of TBA (10 mM). Our results suggest that bradykinin hyperpolarizes pig aortic endothelial cells by activation of small-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels. Opening of these K+ channels results in membrane hyperpolarization which promotes Ca2+ entry, and consequently, NO synthesis.