Recently, the insertion element IS1081 from Mycobacterium bovis was identified. In this study, the usefulness of IS1081 in the epidemiology of tuberculosis was investigated. The host range of this insertion sequence was found to be restricted exclusively to the group of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex bacteria, whereas none of the 10 mycobacterial species which do not belong to the M. tuberculosis complex contained IS1081-homologous DNA. All 99 M. tuberculosis complex strains investigated carried five or six copies of IS1081, and very limited IS1081-associated restriction fragment length polymorphisms were observed among the strains. Seven different IS1081-containing bands were distinguished in each strain, and the patterns differed only in one or two insertion sequence-containing bands. The banding pattern of M. bovis BCG differed in the presence of a 8.0-kb IS1081-containing PvuII fragment which was absent from all other M. tuberculosis complex strains.