Some seropositive (RF+) and seronegative (RF-) rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients selectively express high concentrations of the major RF cross-reactive idiotype (RCRI) in their sera and generate high frequencies of RCRI+ pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-induced plasma cells from their peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM). To determine if normal individuals can express RCRI in vitro, B cells from controls were activated with Staphylococcus aureus Cowan strain I (SAC) bacteria to identify RCRI and RF production. In addition, we studied the relationship of RCRI expression with the subset of B cells bearing CD5. Control CD5+ B cells are responsible for RCRI expression following SAC activation. We also observed that RCRI is dominantly expressed by control SAC-induced B cells in frequencies comparable to that expressed by some RA and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis patients' PBM activated by PWM. Therefore, the frequency of RCRI+ B cells in control and arthritis patients' PBL may be similar, or the selection and/or regulation of RCRI+ B-cell expression in vitro and in vivo may be different in arthritis patients compared to normal individuals.