An intravenous infusion of Fluosol enhanced significantly the t-PA thrombolysis of the arterio-venous shunt made by insertion of 125I-fibrin clot in rabbits. The plasma radioactivity released through thrombolysis increased in both time and dose-dependent manner after the administration of t-PA. Fluosol in combination with t-PA increased the plasma radioactivity, compared with the t-PA treatment alone at the corresponding dosage. The coronary blood flow was markedly reduced to almost zero after the thrombin injection into narrowed LCX with a clamp in open-chest dogs. An intravenous infusion of Fluosol or Pluronic F-68 solution at a dose of 15 ml/kg significantly shortened the thrombolysis time by intracoronary infusion of urokinase alone. While, little change in the QTc interval of ECG and the plasma CPK-MB activity was observed in the Fluosol group in combination with urokinase, suggesting a myocardial protective action of Fluosol possibly due to its oxygen carrying effect.