A rare case of anomalous arrangement of the pancreaticobiliary ductal system without dilatation of the biliary tract (AAPBDS without DBT) associated with mucosal dysplasia of the biliary duct is described herein. A 53 year old male with a long history of diarrhea and right upper abdominal pain was diagnosed as having AAPBDS without DBT by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and other examinations. Excision of the gallbladder and biliary duct with a Roux-en-Y hepatico-jejunostomy was performed and subsequent pathological examination of the surgical specimens showed mucosal hyperplasia of the gall-bladder and mucosal dysplasia of the biliary duct. Considering the dysplastic changes of the biliary duct as seen in our case, and the high incidence of AAPBDS without DBT developing into carcinoma of the biliary duct, being 12.2 per cent, we suggest that pancreaticobiliary ductal diversion with excision of the gallbladder and biliary duct should also be performed for AAPBDS without DBT. However, further pathological investigations concerning the excised biliary duct in AAPBDS without DBT will be need to be carried out.