Fruit fly FTZ-F1, silkworm BmFTZ-F1, and mouse embryonal long terminal repeat-binding protein are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily, which recognizes the same sequence, 5'-PyCAAGGPyCPu-3'. Among these proteins, a 30-amino-acid basic region abutting the C-terminal end of the zinc finger motif, designated the FTZ-F1 box, is conserved. Gel mobility shift competition by various mutant peptides of the DNA-binding region revealed that the FTZ-F1 box as well as the zinc finger motif is involved in the high-affinity binding of FTZ-F1 to its target site. Using a gel mobility shift matrix competition assay, we demonstrated that the FTZ-F1 box governs the recognition of the first three bases, while the zinc finger region recognizes the remaining part of the binding sequence. We also showed that the DNA-binding region of FTZ-F1 recognizes and binds to DNA as a monomer. Occurrence of the FTZ-F1 box sequence in other members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily raises the possibility that these receptors constitute a unique subfamily which binds to DNA as a monomer.