There is an established need for pulmonary technology capable of facilitated gas exchange in the blood, thereby bypassing the alveolar-capillary interface. To address this need, we emulated one of the best-known photolytic reactions in nature, photosynthesis, in which green plants use sunlight to drive the exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide. Our goal in the current study was to demonstrate the feasibility of direct photolytic conversion of water to liquid phase oxygen (dissolved oxygen [DO]) in synthetic serum. To this end, we constructed a test flow cell consisting of a conductive coating of vacuum-deposited titanium (Ti) metal, adherent TiO2 (anatase), and MnO2, applied as a laminate to a glass substrate, and then immersed the device in Locke's-Ringer solution (synthetic blood serum). Long wavelength (low energy) ultraviolet A laser light, directed to the transparent glass slide, reproducibly resulted in the generation of an active form of oxygen (AO), which was subsequently converted directly by the catalytic action of MnO2 to DO. The absence of light activation provided an entirely null response. We conclude that the photolytic production of DO from water in a blood serum surrogate, with commensurate CO2 clearance, is feasible. A prototype photolytic module is proposed, which uses multiple parallel photolytic surfaces to improve system production capacity and CO2 clearance through selective gas-liquid separation from the oxygen-enriched fluid.