Background: With living donation, in addition to the medical risk, the financial risk for the donor is essential, especially in case of complications that potentially can led to disability and loss of work. We report the experiences of those who have donated a kidney in our transplant center.
Methods: We contacted 80 donors who donated a kidney at least 6 months prior to evaluation: 72% answered 33 questions. [mean age: 54 +/- 10 (33-75) years; 69% living related, 31% unrelated].
Results: Of the 80 donors contacted, 91% (53) reported to have no financial expenses due to donation; 9% (5) had expenses, but only few of them clarified exact amount. One donor had to borrow money to cover the lack when he was unable to perform his job. Another claimed the disparity between normal salary and payment from insurance company as a financial expense. Evaluation procedure prior to donation was organized variously: some donors were on holiday while evaluated, some officially were ill, others had to take off some days without payment. None of the donors lost his or her job due to donation.
Conclusion: The financial risk of living donation is theoretically well covered by different insurances. However, some of the donors had to cover some expenses by themselves. Fortunately, so far in our center no major complications occurred and all donors went home in good health after donation. If costs are covered when a healthy donor loses his or her ability to work due to donation remains unclear since no donor has experienced this problem.