Illegitimate (non-homologous) recombination requires little or no sequence homology between recombining DNAs and has been regarded as being a process distinct from homologous recombination, which requires a long stretch of homology between recombining DNAs. However, we have found a type of illegitimate recombination that requires an interaction between long homologous DNA sequences. It was detected when a plasmid that carried 2-kb-long inverted repeats was subjected to type I (EcoKI) restriction in vivo within a special mutant strain of Escherichia coli. In the present work, we analyzed genetic requirements for this type of illegitimate recombination in well-defined genetic backgrounds. Our analysis demonstrated dependence on RecA function and on the presence of two EcoKI sites on the substrate DNA. These results are in harmony with a model in which EcoKI restriction enzyme attacks an intermediate of homologous recombination to divert it to illegitimate recombination.