Radical surgery including complete pelvic and para-arortic lymph node dissection (LND) is both the main therapeutic effort and the decisive staging procedure in patients with invasive endometrial cancer (EC) and should be performed in specialized institutions. Vaginal cuff brachytherapy holds little serious side effects and may be beneficial in preventing vaginal recurrences. External irradiation treatment no longer has a routine indication in primary therapy. The omission of retroperitoneal staging (LND) at primary surgery does not indicate adjuvant radiotherapy but rather second-effort surgery removing pelvic and para-aortic lymph-nodes. External radiotherapy should be reserved for fully staged patients with residual non-resectable tumor manifestation and/or nodal involvement in relation to the extent of tumor involvement and surgical intervention. Hormonal and cytotoxic therapy is experimental in the adjuvant setting. The first step in palliative systemic treatment should be the administration of endocrine therapy when the tumor expresses progesterone receptors and tumor manifestations are not acutely life-threatening. In other cases or when endocrine treatment fails chemotherapy may be considered, which is often limited due to its toxicity. Preferably, palliative hormonal and/or chemotherapy should be administered in controlled clinical trials.
Copyright 2003 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg