To risk-stratify patients with chest pain who are admitted to emergency rooms and for whom initial evaluation is not conclusive, the use of cardiac markers has become a standard procedure. A recently introduced early plasma marker for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is the 14.5-kDa cytoplasmic heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (FABP). To fully exploit its early release from injured myocardium, a rapid method for repeated measurements or continuous monitoring of FABP in plasma is desirable. Such an on-line method could be an immunosensor based on displacement. The aim of the present study was to further investigate the principles underlying the displacement assay of FABP, both in buffer and in plasma. Batches of sepharose-bound FABP were loaded with an antibody-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugate (anti-FABP). Continuous measurement of FABP was mimicked by repeated addition of FABP containing solutions followed by several washing steps. In the presence of free FABP the antibody-HRP complex dissociated and was subsequently quantified. Significant displacement in the presence of free FABP was observed in both buffer and human plasma. Anti-FABP could be intermittently displaced in the same batch, for at least 9 h, and the displacement was concentration-dependent. These results show the feasibility of a sensor based on the displacement principle to be used for the diagnosis of AMI in emergency medicine.