Central acinic cell carcinoma (of the mandible) is rare, and, to our knowledge, only seven cases of this disease have been reported in the literature. A case in a 67-year-old Japanese woman is presented. Clinical examination revealed a 10.0x6.0mm mass located on the buccal aspect of the gingiva of the second molar in the left mandible. Radiographic examination revealed a radiolucency from the second to the third molar of the left mandible. Computed tomography disclosed destruction of the lingual cortical bone of the third molar region. The preliminary diagnosis was of odontogenic tumour. The patient was admitted, and removal of the tumour and of the involved teeth were carried out. Histological examination disclosed the diagnosis of acinic cell carcinoma. Subsequently, the tumour area was widely excised from the second premolar region to the coronoid process, and radical neck dissection was performed. A lymph node metastasis was found in the submandibular region. No recurrence or metastasis was observed during the 34-month follow-up.