Objectives: To describe the methods used to impute HIV seroconversion date in the haemophiliac cohorts from GEMES project and to validate its use.
Method: 632 haemophiliacs coming from three hemophilia units identified as HIV+ and 1.092 individuals coming from 5 project GEMES cohorts with a seroconversion window (time among test HIV and HIV+) less than 3 years where mid point (PM) was assumed as seroconversion date. For both groups, seroconversion date was imputed after estimating the probability distribution of seroconversion by means of the EM algorithm. Two imputation methods are used: one obtained from the expected value and the other from the geometric mean of 5 random samples. from the estimated distribution. Imputations have been validated in the non haemophiliacs cohorts comparing with the PM seroconversion date. Also AIDS free time and survival from the different seroconversion imputed dates were compared.
Results: Median seroconversion date is located in May of 1993 for the non haemophiliacs and in 1982 for the haemophiliacs. Not big differences are observed among the imputed seroconversion dates and the mid-point seroconversion date in the non-haemophiliac cohorts. Similar results are found for the haemophiliac cohorts. Also no differences are observed in the estimated AIDS-free time for both groups of cohorts.
Conclusions: Geometric mean imputation from several random samples provides a good estimate of the HIV seroconversion date that can be used to estimate AIDS-free time and survival in haemophiliac cohorts where seroconversion date is ignored.