FLAGdb++ is dedicated to the integration and visualization of data for high-throughput functional analysis of a fully sequenced genome, as illustrated for Arabidopsis. FLAGdb++ displays the predicted or experimental data in a position-dependent way and displays correlations and relationships between different features. FLAGdb++ provides for a given genome region, summarized characteristics of experimental materials like probe lengths, locations and specificities having an impact upon the confidence we will put in the experimental results. A selected subset of the available information is linked to a locus represented on an easy-to-interpret and memorable graphical display. Data are curated, processed and formatted before their integration into FLAGdb++. FLAGdb++ contains different options for easy back and forth navigation through many loci selected at the start of a session. It includes an original two-component visualization of the data, a genome-wide and a local view, which are permanently linked and display complementary information. Density curves along the chromosomes may be displayed in parallel for suggesting correlations between different structural and functional data. FLAGdb++ is fully accessible at http://genoplante-info.infobiogen.fr/FLAGdb/.