The drug resistance genes on the r-determinants component of the composite R plasmid NR1 were mapped on the EcoRI restriction endonuclease fragments of the R plasmid by cloning the fragments using the plasmid RSF2124 as a vector. The sulfonamide (Su) and streptomycin/spectinomycin (Sm/Sp) resistance genes are located on EcoRI fragment G of NR1. The expression of resistance to mercuric ions (Mer) requires both EcoRI fragment H and I of NR1. The expression of chloramphenicol (Cm) and fusidic acid (Fus) resistance requires EcoRI fragments A and J of NR1. The kan fragment of the related R plasmid R6-5 can substitute for Eco RI fragment J of NR1 in the expression of Cm and Fus resistance. The structural genes for Cm and Fus resistance appear to be a part of an operon whose expression is controlled by the same promoter.