Aims: The authors describe the occurrence of complications in laparoscopic approach to treat inguinal hernias in patients operated on at 2nd Surgical Clinic in Olomouc from May 1991 to the end of the year 2002.
Methods: The occurrence of preoperation and postoperation complications and relapses in inguinal hernias treated with laparoscopy in the period of May 1991 to the end of 2002. The TAPP method was used for operation on 98% of inguinal hernias, the IPOM method for 0.9% of inguinal hernias, TEP method in 0.4% and a simple suture in operation on 0.7% of inguinal hernias.
Results: Five hundred and thirty four (56% of all surgically treated inguinal hernias) were treated with laparoscopy in adult patients in the period of May 1991 to the end of 2002. Eight preoperation and postoperation complications (1.4%) were encountered. These included two cases of hematoma in the wound after port (0.3%), one hematoma of scrotum (0.2%), two artificial perforations of intestine (0.3%), one case of neuralgia of n. genitofemoralis, one artificial perforation of urinary bladder (0.2%), and one postoperation hydrocele (0.2%). There were 14 relapses (2.6%) in the 534 inguinal hernias operated on with laparoscopy.
Conclusion: Based on our experience in the solution of inguinal hernias with laparoscopy the method of transabdominally-preperitoneally localized grid (TAPP). In this method we have used three-point fixation--by a screw to pected ossis pubis and the upper margins of the grip with two transparietal stitches fixed permanently in subcutaneous tissue.